Tanay Karnik


I love working on side projects and experimenting with new ideas (placing small bets).

Balancing my time between all these ideas is a bit of a struggle since I have a ton of open ideas and keep getting new ones.

But I try to keep track of them and journal my progress (on this website and X).


Kal is a free, easy-to-install, self-hosted app for email marketing and newsletters.

Workout Timer#

Workout Timer is a simple open-source app designed to help you time and track your workouts.

  • Developed with Nuxt + Nuxt UI
  • Fully responsive and works seamlessly across devices
  • Offline support as a Progressive Web App (PWA)
  • Lightning-fast with SQLite in the browser
  • Local-first architecture using conflict-free data types (CRDTs)
  • Peer-to-peer syncing for seamless data sharing


Goals.lol is your personal AI-powered journal and mentor that helps you stay on track and build good habits.

This is something I have currently stashed, but it initially served as a way for me to dive into LLMs.

I might come back to a revised version of this in the future.


SurveyWiz is a Typeform alternative which enables superfast text-based survey creation and response collection.


Chesspocalypse is a browser-based multiplayer game for 2-10 players. It’s a real-time, battle royale version of chess.